WaQi Fundamentals 101
Beginner and Basic Level
This comprehensive research-based course is designed to give beginners (or those new to WaQi) a solid foundation in essential qigong, t’ai chi and meditation for health and well-being.
WaQi Fundamentals 101
Evidence-based Qi Gong and T’ai Chi
This comprehensive research-based course is designed to give beginners (or those new to WaQi) a solid foundation in essential qigong, t’ai chi and meditation for health and well-being. During this course students will learn selected movements from a 7 form t’ai chi routine, selected qigong exercises (including spiral flexibility—silk reeling), agility warm-ups, and guided sitting, standing and lying down meditation. This course has been used as the basis for exacting research into the benefits of qigong and t’ai chi, including enhancing immune function, sleep quality and balance, while reducing stress and pain, and cultivating well-being.
What is WaQi Fundamentals 101?
This program focuses on improving immune function, resilience and sleep. It uses moving, standing and sitting practices to improve flow, agility and calm relaxation. Guided sitting meditation focuses on changing the mental and spiritual “set” in the face of crisis to produce a sense of peace and tranquility. The standing and moving exercises are fundamental practices to build internal energy, core strength, deep relaxation and confident, coordinated movement.
The effectiveness of this program is underscored by an NIH funded, randomized controlled study that found that these methods reduced anxiety and improved sleep quality. It is also supported by the study (described above) that found improved immune response among participants in a 5 month trial of this program. This course is developed and taught by an internationally renowned teacher, Dr. Yang, who was trained in classic Chinese martial and healing arts by famous masters in China. He is also a trained researcher (PhD, University of Illinois) with a number of well-regarded publications in research journals.
The program
This course involves short, easily managed lessons. These can be taken with you and practiced at any time and in any place. Each lesson involves three parts: approximately 10 minutes of sitting and/or standing meditation, and 5 minutes each of flow and energizing movements.